
Showing posts from May, 2018

Obsession for Perfection

O bsession for Perfection But what really is perfection? And who is the judge? Beauty standards and role of media: We hear about the perfect body, the perfect hair, the perfect skin, the perfect color, a perfect life. To be honest the notion of “being perfect” is unrealistic. We human beings could never and will never be perfect, we all are imperfectly beautiful in our own ways but when we strive to be something we cannot obtain often causes us stress and depression, making us feels scarce and worthless. And despite the fact that we hear so much about all this perfection ideals, there is only one place where I, personally, have encountered it: in the pages of novels, poetry, books formed through the words of authors who describe individuals who don’t exist, Or in the movies and dramas, where everything is drafted and hours have been devoted to make-up, hair, and airbrushing, Or on the cover of a magazines, where the model in issue has starved herself all day