Finding your niche and Peer pressure; A Girl’s perspective

 “You have come a long way and in determining your own path, you are empowered, a role model for those around you and perhaps to some extent changed your family prospects regarding educated women, education and self development.” Well that’s the reminder that I never got from my peers.
One of the significant characteristics of modern world is the degree of choice and opportunity accessible to young people, who enjoy several freedoms unfamiliar to earlier generations.
Regardless of the fact that peer pressure may have carried a negative nuance, it can actually motivate people to perform at peak levels and be bacon for the younger generation.
I can't possibly guide you how to live your life or how to cope with all the pressure. Believe you me, to be under such immense peer pressure and still defy the odds, is quite an accomplishment in itself.

Marriage is not a way out:   
To be in charge of someone's preferences in life is a form of oppression, this oppression must end and it actually begins in the home Reasons to get married: Is marriage a form of peer pressure  explains the falsehood of hypothesis that marriage is the only way of getting Social acceptance. 
One of the biggest drawbacks of our society is to force women to marry early, and bizarreness is that they are simply not ready. Education provides a person with knowledge not just about the world but it gives you insight to your own self. Young girls aren’t familiar with themselves and their desires and that is why they often end up in lethal relationships-both emotional and physical, and afterward divorced, or emotionally scarred for life. Indeed getting an education and empowering oneself to make wise decisions is better than being married young because it is expected of you. It is therefore important to sensitize parents and the society to give girls a chance to excel in life, to the extent that they do for the boys.

Making a Choice

Girls have two options; either they can try to fit in or remain who they are. In case they opt the former, they would definitely betray their own standards and individuality to fit in. If their choice is the latter one, then they might consider themselves as an outcast. 

 A bright young woman, insightful and alert to the innuendoes of her cultural surroundings, might face more trouble reconciling with the society. That’s the path she has to create for herself. The overwhelming restrictions by our peers put young women in a defensive before an offensive position throughout critical years of growth and emotional development. According to The villa treatment center Negative peer pressure can seize a person from realizing one’s true potential, in a society we live in it’s hard to convince our peers, it at times gets as much impossible as to teleport them to the future in order to make them see and believe.

What to Do

The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health points out that negative peer pressure can hold you back from realizing your true potential. Don't mind the critics. In many cases the person who criticizes your way of thinking and choices might be stalled in their own insecurities. Try to find people who support your values, who understand your ideas, lifestyle and choices without judging them. 
We only live once so it’s our only chance to grow as a person and develop a better understanding of ourselves.

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” – Oscar Wilde.


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